Our Goals

Since it was established in 1909, Mount Sinai has always been synonymous with excellence. Today, the hospital is a state-of-the-art institution, specializing in short-term respiratory care, palliative care and post-acute care, accredited by Accreditation Canada with the designation “Exemplary Standing.”


In order to maintain these high standards, the Auxiliary’s mission is to enhance the quality of care of the patients and residents. Monies raised through membership fees and various fund raising activities has enabled the Auxiliary to purchase much needed equipment and support certain Hospital programs. Currently the Auxiliary is funding the Music Therapy program which enables the patients and residents to express themselves through the use of music under the supervision of an Accredited Therapist Pierrette La Roche.

"Singing for Stamina"

Following a brief teaching on the physiology of singing, patients are invited to engage in breathing and vocal warm-up exercises before learning/singing songs meant to allow for expression of a variety of emotional states as well as addressing issues of loss/grieving. Patients are invited to share on the role/significance of singing/music in their lives. Comments include the sessions as being an up-lifting experience.